過年期間妹妹學我畫禪繞畫,剛畫了二筆城堡,就有事外出了。 My sister was learning to draw zentangle during lunar new year. Just drew 2 castle patterns, she went out for other business.
我不想浪費紙,就接著畫下去。我先把城堡畫完,想不到要畫什麼。 I didn't want to waste the paper, so I tried to finish her drawing. I drew two layers of castles but leave a big empty space on the paper. I didn't know what to draw.
翻了幾本禪繞畫的書,看到一隻燈籠鳥,真是太好的搭配了,便將二者組合起來。 So I read some zentangle books for inspiration. I found a lattern bird which can be a perfect match.
鳥的圖像不是很立體,所以就加了幾筆畫出尾巴及雞冠,底部再填個不知所云的圖形,看起來反而很像雞腳。 But the lattern bird is not easily recognized, I needed to put some more symbolic pattern to make it more bird-like. So I drew the crest and the tail and something like the claws. The lattern bird suddenly became a chicken.
一幅雞臨天下圖就完成了。 Now, the chicken rules the world.
有了雞、豬、鼠,我再湊九隻就可以完成十二生肖了。 I have now chicken, pig and mouse. Maybe I can draw 9 more animals to make them a full set of 12 zodiac.