原先只想練習畫面中間的寶石圖,在加上外圍的東西後,怎麼看都像個蟲繭。I was trying to draw the jewel-like pattern in the middle of the zentangle. While puting on other patterns around the jewel, the whole picture seemed like a cocoon.
還記得很久很久以前(大約是我小時候,真的很久以前),有一部美國片,叫做魔繭,人進到魔繭後,就會返老還童?劇情幾乎都快忘光了。不過這個片名,倒是令我印象深刻。I remembered long time ago(very long time ago, around in my childhood), there was a movie "Cocoon". When you get into the cocoon, you will be younger again. I don't exactly remember what is about the movie, but "Cocoon" this name impressed me a lot.